Monday, October 31, 2016

Why do you care on what people say about you?

Why do we have to worry much about what people will say, mostly about our choices and actions? Do we owe other people explanations about our lives? Will these people be there for us when we face consequences for our choices that today we are considering their feelings and opinions when we are suppose to be doing life changing choices about our lives. People will never stop talking because they are born talking .

You do bad they talk and you do good they talk. Even people in high places who do good things for people never get good words from anyone because we are not all perfect. In all what you do people always want to find mistakes in you to talk about instead of looking on the positives. We are all destined to live our different paths in life so you don't have to do what you are expected to do by people because no matter how compliant you could be in their minds but they will still generate something bad to talk about in your actions. So do what you need to do in your own time because you are only the one to either enjoy the fruits or suffer the consequences of your choices.

Meshack Mathe Bevhula

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